Complete range of construction Machinery

Complete range of construction Machinery

Our Mission & Vision

We know Dhaka is the 2nd city of the world as air pollution.

Every year about 15 million tonnes greenhouse gas flowed from our city.80% gas flowed by the brick field. Greenhouse gas is the main cause of changing climate of the world.It is the cause of very hot and cold temperature.

Every year 25 Billion bricks produce from fertile top soil. There’s need about 60 million tonnes fertile top soil.In producing these bricks about 5 million tonnes of coal and 3 million tonnes of wood are burnt,emitting 15 million tonnes of carbon in the air. Statistics report said we lost from 1986 about 12 lack hectors agricultural land.Besides we are losing forest resources. 

So.....We have many responsibilities as citizens of Bangladesh. Among them patriotism is the best quality of Good citizens. We know we are affecting of changing climate(Green House Effect) as per our activities. So first step, Globally we should try to how to get rid of this problem. Bangladesh Government is taking necessary steps to safe our environment, forest resources and agricultural land. Our ambition is keep the environment pollution free.

After all we are trying to reach the massage all over Bangladeshi peoples.

We are trying help to make one house equal one block industry.

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